Senin, 21 Mei 2012


Everybody's looking for that something

One thing that makes it all complete

You'll find it in the strangest places

Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their children

Some find it in their lover's eyes

Who can deny the joy it brings

When you've found that special thing

You're flying without wings


Some find it sharing every morning

Some in their solitary lives

You'll find it in the words of others

A simple line can make you laugh or cry

You'll find it in the deepest friendship

The kind you cherish all your life

And when you know how much that means

You've found that special thing

You're flying without wings

So, impossible as they may seem

You've got to fight for every dream

Cos who's to know which one you let go

Would have made you complete


Well, for me it's waking up beside you

To watch the sunrise on your face

To know that I can say I love you

In any given time or place


It's little things that only I know

Those are the things that make you mine

And it's like flying without wings

Cos you're my special thing

I'm flying without wings


And you're the place my life begins

And you'll be where it ends


I'm flying without wings

And that's the joy you bring

I'm flying without wings

When I stand up in my life

Between many dream

Between my love

I saw a spectaculer experienced

Many stars in the heaven

They like as saw me

They also drawing all about me

Very amaze

In here, I like as sculpture

To be silent without words

I don't know about my way

I am confused

Fortunately, I always to be patient

To following flow of my life

I have a dream in tonight

Tomorrow, Dream come true

One thousand of dangerous

I must to see my love

My parent, my sweatheart, or all of my dearest people

I am stand up here

I see many longing

I want to a longing

I also love a longing in many longing

I believe that

I can get it

I think that it a dream

But, I believe that dream come true

Daydream is it i am called

Daydream come true

Permainan Cinta dibalik Cinta

Pada awalnya, cinta adalah anugerah Tuhan kepada umatnya

Cinta sangatlah indah bagi yang menikmatinya

Namun jangan salah artikan cinta

Cinta kepada setiap yang bernyawa

Cinta itu bagaikan duri yang tajam

Bagi insan yang termakan oleh cinta

Cinta jangan dipermainkan

Ciptakanlah Cinta yang tulus dan sejati

Saling memberikan kasih sayang

Penuh pengorbanan

Maka cinta akan selalu indah

Janganlah engkau merusak arti cinta sesungguhnya

Manusia yang merusaknya

Mereka mengartikan cinta sebagai nafsu belaka

Terutama para kaum Adam

Kaum hawa lemah dan penuh perasaan

Menaggung akibat dari nafsu para kaum Adam

Kaum Hawa sebagai penimbul nafsu yang seharusnya tinggi iman

Hindarilah godaan syetan

Oh Tuhan , semuga hamba-hamba yang selalu mengingatmu

Selalu dalam jalan yang lurus

Tak pernah termakan rayuan nafsu belaka

Tak Termakan Permainan Cinta

Permainan yang sungguh mengasyikkan, namun menyengsarakan

Wanita itu sangat berharga

Maka harus dipelihara kehormatannya

Permainan Cinta itu sungguh hina

Selalulah mengingat Tuhan

Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Penyayang

Jika permainan cinta itu datang


Tetap berhati-hatilah…

Karena bisa menghampiri sewaktu-waktu

Menghancurkan seketika

Semoga aku selalu dilindungi oleh Allah SWT

Kehormatan yang masih suci ini

Hanya untuk pendamping hidupku semata

Menjadi wanita muslimah dan istri Sholihah

Suatu keindahan yang luar biasa

Kehormatan yang mengagumkan


Mahasuci Allah……